Drugs are known to be distributed in the body through osmotic or bulk flow of drug molecules across membranes of the cells of receptive sites. Cell surface receptors were shown to be the sites of disease infectivity and attachment of anti-infective drugs. Cell surface receptors were shown to be interconnected throughout the body of an organism. A close attention to the mechanisms of transfer of Vernonia amygdalina leaf extract and Vernonia amygdalina leaf powder from administration sites to sites of drug [extract] action has produced some new data on the subject. The mechanisms of translocation of orally and topically administered Vernonia amygdalina (VA) leaf extract and leaf powder were studied by a subject. The aqueous extract of VA was ingested orally and the aqueous, pea nut oil and ethanol extracts as well as the powder of VA leaf were administered topically through the tongue; the nostrils; the vulva; the vagina; and the skin of a subject. The mode of transfer of the Vernonia amygdalina leaf extract and powder molecules from these various sites of its oral or topical application were noted by the subject, The results of the study revealed that V. amygdalina leaf extract bound to cell surface receptors on the administration site membranes and from there was translocated to cell surface receptors on infected (or disordered) body sites by an electromotive flow of its molecules. The flow of the V. amygdalina leaf extract molecules to cell surface receptor sites at target infection sites was observed to be swift, smooth and continuous (unbroken) like the flow of an electric current and reached target sites through Cell surface receptor channels in one to two seconds. The movement of V. amygdalina leaf extract molecules round the body through the interlinked cell surface receptor networks which ramify the whole body was like a systematic progressive systematic sweeping movement and was observable on the skin with the naked eyes and occurred in a total of 2 minutes. Administered VA extract was first distributed to infected organs before it was distributed to uninfected organs and its distribution to infected organs was in the order of the severity of their infections. These findings show that VA leaf extract was distributed round the human body in 2 minutes through an electromotive flow of the extract molecules in cell surface receptor channels along the thin layer of tissue that connects cell surface receptors to each other. These findings enable the researcher to put forward a new theory of drug distribution in the body of living things through electromotive flow of drug molecules in cell surface receptor channels which link the drug administration site cell membrane cell surface receptors to the drug’s target site cell surface receptors